
by (주)리더스옥션



Gongtorak means people who enjoy joint investment, joint fun together, and introduces and guides products through real-time video transmission online through customized search function and recommendation service of verified products by experts in each field. It is an integrated bi-seller (Buyer + Seller) system that can proceed one-stop. Gongtorak focuses on Lee Sang-kyu, CEO of Leaders Auction, the author and expert of court auction, who is the author of the A half-price land auction to earn money and investment method for land auctions. We started at BM Club, an informal gathering of experts, and since 2013, we have developed a multi-purpose online integrated purchasing and sales system, Gongturak, that can sell and purchase real estate investments and various themes. The more convenient and smooth integrated Buyer + Seller system that overcomes the local and temporal limitations is provided based on the patented technology of Gongturak. In the case of Gongturak, by investing a small amount of capital of individual members in special cases among real estate cases such as auctions in courts and auctions of asset management corporations, which are highly valued by joint bidding, safe and transparent within the legal protection of expert groups We support successful investment, and through this, we are creating a second profit through real estate even at a small amount. In addition, various online education for each theme such as language, life, hobbies, leisure, real estate, and law is provided to provide education services without restriction in areas so that more users can easily access them. Also, if a member wants to directly introduce and sell a specific material and theme, it is equipped with the function of Live Market through the real-time online video transmission method, providing opportunities for specialized services to members who want to start a small business for a small amount. Is provided. The Buyerak integrated Buyer + Seller system will be provided with services for legal analysis, recommendation, and participation of experts in each area with a small amount for specific themes useful in real life such as investment, purchase, and education. In addition, we are aiming for a Multi Channel Video Programing Market where members can participate in and operate the open market in a common way for various materials. Please experience the easier and more specialized system from investment to purchase through various online channels of various materials prepared in Gongturak.  Thank you.